
Posts Tagged ‘Hand’

For most of Emmanuel College students, Rescue is common knowledge. However, during some conversations I’m still receiving a blank stare when I reference this small Allston boutique.  For those of you in the know, please excuse the redundancy. For the rest of you, I believe you will appreciate this introduction.

If you have ever spent an afternoon scouring clothing racks in Marshall’s, Goodwill, or small second-hand boutiques, you know first-hand it is an uphill battle. Apart from a few hidden treasures, quality is usually lacking or the price tag is a bit overzealous. You will be happy to hear these frustrations can be avoided with a short T ride to Allston. Rescue is a small second-hand boutique which offers quality articles of clothing at very modest prices.  Everything from tweed blazers, leather jackets, shoes, outerwear, and an impressive inventory of plaid button downs are sold, bought, and traded. Turnover is pretty quick in this store, so many patrons visit often to take advantage of the best deals. However, if you hate the B-Line as much as I do or care to avoid the hassles of the 66, Rescue updates their Tumblr on the latest arrivals, and tweets some of their goods as well!

Twitter: @rescuerescue

– Caleb Hutchings

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